Revealing the personal and unique world of singer Eda Zari. Deutsche Welle / von Suzanne Cords.
Jazz Time - USA - New York Magazine
"It is precisely this talent that distinguishes the multifaceted vocalist Eda ZariI. Blending sophisticated elements of Balkan music with the most contemporary styles of current jazz, Miss Zari creates a compelling fusion of sensuous smoothness and sultry vocals in her own music. She improvises and revitalises Albanian polyphony, crafting an atmosphere that weaves a subtle and heady sonic tapestry.”
Edicion i limituar 180g dopjo vinil, në gjyrë të kaltër oqeanike
Dhuroini vetes ose miqve tuaj kënaqësinë analoge të albumit "Palimpsest"! Vizitoni dyqanin "Gramafon Music Store" në Tiranë, Shqipëri, ose “Librari Dukagjini" në Prishtinë, Kosovë. Rrëbeni magjinë e muzikës së vinilit (dopjo disk grammofoni) me dorën tuaj.
Përveç partnerëve analog, mund të siguroni diskun e gramafonit (një edicionin i limituar në dopjo vinil, në gjyrë oqeanike) në eBay. Jetoni kënaqësinë e eksplorimit analog dhe lehtësinë e blerjes online.
Nuk mund të vini pranë dyqaneve tona? Nuk ka problem!
Albumi “Palimpsest" është i disponueshëm në të gjitha platformat digitale online. Hidhu në botën muzikore të Eda Zarit dhe eksploro albume të tjera me vetëm një klikim.
"What else than a natural and mighty palimpsest is the human brain?
Such a palimpsest is my brain; such a palimpsest, oh reader! is yours."
Thomas De Quincey, Libra "Suspiria de Profundis".
This metaphor applies to the heart, to poetry and music! The palimpsest is a manuscript or a piece of writing material on which the original writing has been erased, to make room for later writing, but of which traces remain.
This is the complexity inscribed in Eda Zari's "Palimpsest", a bilingual album in German and Albanian. After five years, Eda Zari returns with a new album, once again conceptual.
If John Coltrane needed his suite, "A Love Supreme", to musically express his genuine love for God, Eda Zari's intends to create a spiritual work based on Lasgush Poradeci's poetry, an Albanian poet from the 1920s and the 1930s, who sung to the cosmic sublimity of love. Musically speaking, Eda is evenly at home with jazz, cinematic music, and world music, but she has settled on a singular Melo-rhythmic and polyrhythmic vocabulary, to properly render Poradeci's verse in music. (...)
A&O Medien GmbH
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Tel.: +49 211- 860 60 49
- Jan 17, 2017
- 3 min
Nga Vasil Tole:"Lavdërimi i Zotit përmes JAZZ-it, Eda Zari me “Entropy”...!"
- Dec 28, 2016
- 5 min
Eda Zari dhe Entropy. Aty ku Bizanti takon Jazz-in. Nga Dr. Mikaela Minga
- Sep 29, 2016
- 6 min
Πλέοντας προς το Βυζάντιο
- Sep 29, 2016
- 6 min
Sailing to Byzatium - by Sokol Çunga.